Current Announcements:
The food drive is ending this week. Don't forget to bring in non-perishable food items to help stock the local food pantry.
Calendar Fundraisers are due back by March 31, 2025. Thank you for your help!
The annual Alumni Games will be held this Saturday, 3/29/25 beginning at 1:00 PM. Come out and catch up with old friends!

2025-2026 Registration
In-house Registration will open the week of March 10. Public Registration for will open on March 31, and if you are a new student to NLCA, you will need to schedule an appointment by calling 304-872-1148.
You can find our registration fees and forms by clicking the tab above.

Please Note the Date Change for Achievement Testing. We will test on the following days:
April 22, 29 & 30
May 1, 6 & 8
The unusual amount of missed school due to weather has caused us to move the testing to a later day.

You may submit tuition payments through the link above or mail them to:
899 Broad Street
Summersville, WV 26651
Click on the picture above to learn about free tutoring for your student. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to help your child academically.
For Hope Scholarship Information please click the
tab at the top of the page.
Parents and Guardians-
Take advantage of your
access to your child's grades
and your financial statment
by creating an account on
FACTS (RenWeb). Follow the
link below and use the
district code: NL-WV
Click here for
Click Menu to Enlarge
Pick-Up Line
The evening pick-up line cannot form until 2:40 PM. You must not pass the cafeteria door until all of the vans and MTA vehicles have moved. PLEASE RESPECT THESE PROCEDURES and help the pick up line move quickly and efficiently. Thank You!
Covid and Respiratory Virus Guidance

Merry Christmas!